
The accordion is an extremely versatile instrument, which has found many different places in today’s concert practice. Be it solo or chamber music from transcriptions of Renaissance, Baroque and Classical music, or original contemporary, avant-garde, experimental or electronic music compositions - some of the most important composers of the 20th and 21st century have written and are writing for the instrument. But the accordion obviously also has its steady place in a lot of orchestra music, soloistically or as part of the ensemble. Additionally, the instrument is very much in in demand in interdisciplinary projects in the field of theatre or dance - and one should not forget the accordion’s role in all kinds of folky contexts or tango, jazz or chanson - You just name it… the accordion is everywhere!


Marko Kassl principal subject

As it is still a very young instrument, the main original music for the accordion  is composed in a contemporary idiom - the accordion department of the Conservatorium van Amsterdam focuses strongly on this. But transcriptions also are an essential element of the repertoire and there is a big focus on chamber music with a lot of different instrument combinations. There is a fruitful collaboration with other departments at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam- such as projects with the composition, opera, electronic music, early music and jazz departments.
