Master's Programme in Live Electronics

The master's programme in Live Electronics at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam is a high-level programme designed to accommodate the aspirations of performers from any musical background who wish to specialize in combining their traditional instruments with live electronic extensions. The programme is primarily designed for performers with a music-driven interest in electronics and technology, which could also include, for instance, 'laptopists' as long as they can show proficiency in music theory and performance practice.

In a world in which electronics are more and more present, and at the same time more accessible and affordable, there is an increasing interest in musicians who can deal with (live) electronics.

The Amsterdam two-year master's programme will provide profound education in combining the traditional instrument with live electronic extensions. Through balanced training in using dedicated soft and hardware on one hand and the traditional instrument on the other, students will be enabled to develop their artistic, creative and technological skills in an area which asks for consistent development. Performance, composition, improvisation, multimedia, music technology, computer programming, synthesizer programming, new and vintage hardware, theatre are key subjects.

The programme is completely cross-genre and is not biased towards just one music style or tradition. Musicians with a background in classical, jazz or pop music can all follow this master's programme.

Lessons, lectures, workshops are given by an experienced team of CvA teachers and special guest teachers from all around the world.

Programme Details

Programme Structure
